
Groundbreaking Patient Transfer & Mobility Technology Comes to Market, Taking Patients from Bed to Chair Without Injury in Under Two Minutes

January 18, 2019

NORWALK, CT–The first of its kind “No Lift” patient transfer technology, AgileLife R2.0 Transfer and Mobility System (TMS) is here.  An enhanced version of the initial device, the updated TMS uses sophisticated software and engineering, allowing for a single caregiver to safely and effortlessly move an individual from bed to wheelchair or vice versa in approximately two minutes. The user-friendly system further affords patients an opportunity for more frequent movement and an enhanced sense of dignity all whilst protecting their caregivers from injury.

The expert integration of a powered hospital bed, manual wheelchair, commode and docking system is controlled by a hand held controller; directing these components to work together seamlessly for transfer and in-bed repositioning. Aiming to provide a more comfortable experience for persons with such clinical conditions as Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Obstructive Disease, Arthritis, Dementia, MS, Chronic Dysphasia, Stroke, Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome, Cancer, Parkinson’s and a multiplicity of others, the corporation hopes the device will become a mainstay in hospitals, assisted living facilities, continuing care retirement communities, nursing homes and private homes, where its capacity for operation by a single family member or clinician can be of great value.

Next Health LLC. has been capturing user feedback through the device since its inception, and has further incorporated a number of changes into AgileLife R 2.0. A key partner in this initiative is The University of Pittsburgh Human Engineering Research Laboratory (HERL). Led by Dr. Rory Cooper, HERL is one of the world’s top innovators in the field of mobility devices and a U.S. Army veteran.  The result is a significantly upgraded AgileLife TMS R2.0, offering a wider seat, tilt-in-space capability, integrated commode and user interface advancements.

“Our HERL team is excited to be a part of this innovative technology which provides significant benefits to all involved with the daily activity (activities of daily living) and support of individuals with mobility challenges,” says Cooper.

Unique to sling devices like the Hoyer Lift which demands multiple nurses precariously aid a patient in entering the sling, AgileLife requires a single caregiver to simply control the touchscreen. The machine executes the transfer all on its own. According to Zurich’s 2017 Benchmark Study of Healthcare Workers’ Compensation Claims, (1) Patient-handling – from lifting, repositioning and transferring patients – accounts for the single greatest risk factor for overexertion injuries of healthcare workers. It also notes that (2) In terms of wage replacement, the injuries incurred from patient and resident handling also can be among the most expensive type of worker injury.

“This device singularly provides the necessary link for bridging patient and caregiver dignity and safety. No one needs to get hurt,” explains Next Health, LLC. President, Raymond A. Curatolo.  “The safety and efficiency of this device allows us to alleviate all the superfluous costs for providers that come with clinician injury -including liability insurance, workman’s comp and hiring expenses. Let’s avoid accidents and retain our staff.”

To date, Next Health has done 125+ installations of its R1.0 AgileLife system across all facets of the healthcare continuum. In particular, a few devices have been placed in conjunction with the Department of Veterans Affairs; providing the AgileLife device to veterans who wish to remain in their homes. Due to the nature of ailments suffered by America’s heroes, Next Health, determined to service the community even further is again working with HERL on AgileLife R3.0, which will incorporate the use of a power wheelchair. A release for which a joint patent has been filed, the prototype of R3.0 is scheduled for 2Q-2019.  The other augmentation in the works includes a data portal project which uses wireless technology to capture patient activity from the devices; storing it on the cloud for review by designated individuals.

The AgileLife Transfer and Mobility System is made in America and available for monthly rental, lease or purchase.

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